8 November 2009
Coastal erosion and climate change: Implications for the shoreline over the next century
Posted by Dave Petley
On Friday I gave a public lecture at the Badbury Centre in North Yorkshire (NE England), looking at the potential impacts of climate change on coastal erosion. The presentation was focused on the field site that we maintain at Boulby, close to the lecture venue. In the presentation I start by looking at our landslide database and then go on to talk about climate change. The main part of the presentation is an examination of the likely impact of climate change, looking at the ways in which potential erosion rates have been determined, and then using our own very high resolution work to examine how this can be done properly. I hope that in the presentation I show that in this area at least the impacts of climate change on erosion are not as great as some might fear, and that proper scientific analysis allows one to develop proper models of future impacts.
I must stress here that this does not suggest that climate change is not a real and urgent problem – it is – and in the talk and in the questions afterwards I stressed the vital importance of a successful outcome to the Copenhagen talks.
The presentation is available via Authorstream below:
Coastal erosion and climate change
My personal Authorstream page, which contains a selection of my recent presentations, is available here: