8 October 2019
Tell a science story at Fall Meeting!
Posted by Shane Hanlon

Me and my cohost Maryam at our home stage in DC. Credit: Lauren Lipuma
By Shane M Hanlon
In addition to my role at AGU I’m also a Senior Producer with the science storyteller organization The Story Collider where scientists and non-scientists alike tell true, personal stories about science.
We’re delighted to partner with GoMRI (Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative) for a special live event at AGU in San Francisco on Thursday, 12 December. For this show, we are seeking true, personal stories connected to disaster response.
These must be stories with a beginning, middle and end, not lectures or speeches. They must be true, firsthand experiences. When evaluating pitches, we look primarily for a strong story arc, or a change that takes place in the storyteller from the beginning to the end. If selected, storytellers will work with our producers to develop their stories in the weeks leading up to the show.
If you’re interested, please email The Story Collider at [email protected] by Friday, 11 October. Include a short, 1-2-paragraph summary of your story in the body of the email and the word ‘AGU’ in the subject line. If we think it might be a good fit for the show, we’ll get in touch.
–Shane M Hanlon is Program Manager of AGU’s Sharing Science Program and a Senior Producer with The Story Collider.