5 April 2018
Like our Instagram? You’ll love our Tumblr!
Posted by Shane Hanlon
By Shane M. Hanlon
As some of you might be aware, we have a (freaking awesome) Instagram account that features many of our scientists showing us their field sites, labs, outreach activities, etc. (if you’re not aware, you should really check it out). In addition to Instagram, we like to feature scientists in the field via our Postcards from the Field campaign through our Tumblr account. where scientists share stories and photos from their field experiences.
Science is one of the very few professions that involves fieldwork. This may not always seem like a benefit—especially not when low tide is at an ungodly early hour or you’re being devoured by insects while trying to record data—but for those of us who want to share our science with the wider world, it makes a great hook.
It’s exciting and eye-opening to see where people work, what questions they’re asking, and the journeys they take to get there. It reminds other scientists of the diversity of research and introduces members of the public to the fun, majesty, grubbiness, hardship, and wonder of studying science.
From the hundreds of postcards that have been submitted, we have learned about research from every continent and both poles. Some other examples of postcards are below and the full list can be found here.
In addition to having the opportunity to share your science, some of the submissions are featured in Eos. Submit your Postcard today to have the chance to be featured!
Here’s how it works: take a picture of your field site. Submit it, along with a short, postcard-style note like the ones above, to our Tumblr site, and tag it as a “postcard from the field”.
Once you’re at the submission page, choose “Photo” from the drop-down menu of submission types:
Then upload your photo, include your postcard text in the caption area, and check the “postcards from the field tag:
We hope that you’ll share your work with us so that we can share it with the world. Submit your postcards today!
-Shane M Hanlon is an AGU Sharing Science Senior Specialist