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25 February 2020
Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide losses in Colombia
Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide losses in Colombia Back in 2012 I posted about the levels of landslide losses in Colombia, which is one of the most landslide prone countries, based on my fatal landslide database. I noted that levels of loss are high, especially in the western side of the country, and that Colombia needs to be a priority country if we are to reduce loss worldwide. It …
21 September 2015
Human factors in landslide losses
In our recent paper on landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean, Sergio Sepulveda and I looked at human factors in landslide losses across this region, finding that the density of landslides is correlated with population density.
24 August 2015
My new paper: human losses from landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean
In my latest paper, written with Sergio Sepulveda, Regional trends and controlling factors of fatal landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean, we look at ten years of human losses from landslides across this key area of the world.
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