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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

3 June 2021

Not all slope failures are large

Not all slope failures are large: examples of small but disruptive landslides in Sheffield


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12 July 2018

Images of the disastrous landslides in Japan this week

Over the last week exceptional rainfall has triggered thousands of landslides in Japan, with disastrous consequences. Images are starting to emerge showing the scale of the disaster.


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4 March 2013

New images of the Hatfield Colliery (coal mine) landslide in northern England

New images have appeared on Twitter of the Hatfield Colliery landslide. These show some amazing deformation patterns at the toe of the landslide


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17 October 2012

Photographs of the Kranevo landslide in Bulgaria

More information, including photographs, of the rotational #landslide in Bulgaria last weekend.


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10 September 2012

New video of landslides from the earthquakes in China on Friday

A video of the immediate aftermath of the Yunnan earthquake sequence in China on Friday. Landslides are clearly a major cause of loss of life and of damage.


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5 August 2011

Landslides from the Christchurch earthquakes part 4: large-scale cliff collapses

Part four in the series posts examining landslides from the Christchurch earthquakes. This edition looks at large-scale cliff collapses.


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19 September 2010

Earthquake damage in Christchurch – an ironic billboard

This billboard, which predates the Darfield earthquake, was attached to a building in the Central Business District of Christchurch in New Zealand: Do you think this is what they had in mind when they described the “open plan office with balcony access” and “cool funky office environment”?:


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18 September 2010

Images of the Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake fault rupture

Yesterday I was exceptionally fortunate to be able to spend the morning looking at the surface expression of the fault responsible for the Darfield earthquake, which hit the Canterbury plains area of New Zealand a fortnight ago.  I was kindly guided around by Russ Van Dissen of GNS Science, and the visit was organised by Chris Massey, also of GNS – so many thanks to them.  This GNS map shows …


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8 August 2010

Images of the Meager Creek landslide in Canada

The Meager Creek landslide in British Columbia, Canada on Friday was a very large and very energetic event.  The latest estimates suggest that it had a volume of about 40 million cubic metres, making it one of the largest slides in Canada in recent decades.  Indeed, the Vancouver Sun quotes Rick Guthrie in stating that the slide travelled at 30 metres per second over a distance of 10 km. Some …


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6 April 2010

New images of the Attabad landslide

The Pamir Times has today run a pictorial article on the state of the Attabad landslide (NB see my new site for the latest monitoring data for the landslide).  A few of the images are worth reproducing here. First, the third in the sequence of images showing the water level rise.  The first was taken by me in late February, the second (on the upper row on the right) is …


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