17 July 2015
Landslides in Art Part 23: Marzia Colonna
Posted by Dave Petley
Marzia Colonna
Marzia Colonna is an Italian artist who is based in Dorset in southern England. Educated in The Accademia di Belle Arti and at Morley College, she now works in collae and scuplture. Marzia Colonna has an upcoming exhibition at the Sladers Yard Gallery in West Bay in Dorset. One of the pieces that will be in the exhibition is a collage entitled “Rockfall at Burton Bradstock”:-

Rockfall at Burton Bradstock by Marzia Colonna, via Sladers Yard Gallery
This is a beautiful piece that captures both the majesty and the danger of these cliffs. In July 2012 a rockfall from these cliffs killed 22-year-old Charlotte Blackman from Derbyshire – this is the BGS image of the location, compiled using a terrestrial laser scan and orthorectified digital photograph:

3D image of failed cliff at Burton Bradstock generated from a LiDAR, laser scanner, survey undertaken by BGS
The depiction in the collage of the variable properties of the cliff face, and in particular the colour changes associated with contrasts in the degree of weathering between fresh rockfall scars and older sections of cliff, is particularly impressive.
Part 22 of the Landslides in Art series can be found here