17 October 2012

Photographs of the Kranevo landslide in Bulgaria

Posted by Dave Petley

Yesterday I asked for assistance in finding out more about the Kranevo landslide in Bulgaria.  As ever you have come up trumps – many thanks.  I would in particular like to thank Chris Atkinson and Alexandre Matthieu for their tireless assistance.

So, first there is an image gallery of the landslide on the vesti.bg website, which includes this image:


Based upon this and the other images, I think that the area affected is roughly as shown on the Google Earth perspective view below:



The landslide is definitely rotational in nature, with near-vertical rear scarps and an uplifted toe (including a part of the near-shore sea floor).  The morphology of the area suggests that this type of landslide is common in this area, and this appears to be supported by this document (NB pdf in Bulgarian!).