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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

24 August 2018

Global fatal landslide occurrence from 2004 to 2016

Melanie Froude and I have just published in NHESS a new analysis of global fatal landslide occurrence from 2004 to 2016 inclusive. It shows that losses from landslides caused by humans are increasing with time


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17 July 2017

Two new landslide videos from China: Liuzhou and Chamdo

Two dramatic new landslide videos have appeared online from China: a rapid earthflow in Liuzhou and a riverbank collapse from Chamdo


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2 February 2016

Landslides in Chile Part 5: Water waves triggered by landslides and the Mentirosa Island Landslide complex

The Mentirosa Island landslide complex comprises four tsunamigenic soil-rock slides in Patagonia, Chile, with a combined volume of 8 million cubic metres.


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27 January 2016

Landslides in Chile 4: The Punta Cola rock avalanche in Aysén Fjord

Triggered by the Mw 6.2 Aysén earthquake in Chile on 21 April 2007, the Punta Cola rock avalanche has a volume of 22.4 million cubic metres


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