23 May 2019
Take your lab to the ocean!
Posted by Olivia Ambrogio

(Photo credit Ann Neary.)
By Olivia V Ambrogio
Calling all Ocean Scientists: with World Oceans Day fast approaching, and in celebration of AGU’s Centennial, we want to highlight the experiences you and your teams have out in the field that advance our knowledge of Earth’s global ocean! Whether you are collecting samples, monitoring or installing an instrument, or preparing a submersible we know your experiences are vast and we want to highlight your ‘nontraditional’ lab through social media.
To participate in this campaign, please submit images that capture you in your lab at sea to AGU’s Postcards From the Field Tumblr. (Submission guidelines are included below.)
You can start submitting your #TakeYourLabToTheOcean photos and descriptions now and we will begins sharing them on a rolling basis beginning in June. Be sure to include the tags #AGU100, #TakeYourLabToTheOcean and #WorldOceansDay.
Some of the photos may be featured in Eos. Thank you for opening up a window into your field experiences!
Here’s how it works: take a picture of your field site. Submit it, along with a short, postcard-style note like the ones above, to our Tumblr site, and tag it as a “postcard from the field”.
Once you’re at the submission page, choose “Photo” from the drop-down menu of submission types:
Then upload your photo, include your postcard text in the caption area, and check the “postcards from the field” tag–and also the “Take your lab to the ocean” and “Lab at Sea” tags!:
– Olivia V Ambrogio is Manager of AGU’s Sharing Science Program. Find her @Squidfan.