9 December 2015
Thrombolites of the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Posted by Callan Bentley
I saw mention of thrombolites exposed along the shore of Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake the other day in my Facebook feed; because the description cited a professor at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, I prompted my friend and colleague Tiffany Rivera, also a geology professor at Westminster, to go check it out and get me some bloggable photos. As it turned out, she already had – and was there on the day the Facebook post photos were taken. But she was willing to share some images anyhow. These shots are hers…
Thanks for sharing, Tiffany!
Not that dissimilar, I suppose, from stromatolites. Interesting how long these life forms have been with us and how much we owe to them. And so innocuous looking. You’d never guess…
Sweet! I’ll have to drive up there and check them out.