You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
7 October 2019
A successful landslide forecast from Heifangtai, Gansu
On 5 October 2019, a 20,000 cubic metre landslide on the Heifangtei terrace in Gansu, China was successfully forecast based upon the monitoring of movement.
22 February 2019
Longjing village: successful prediction of a significant rockslide
On 17 February 2019 a >1 million cubic metre rockslide occurred at Longjin village in Guizhou Province. The failure was predicted using a monitoring system
15 December 2016
On the difference between prediction and foresight in landslide hazard assessment
The assessment of the likely future behaviour of a slope is very difficult. Whilst prediction of behaviour may be impossible, it can often be foreseen
30 May 2012
My article on prediction of natural hazard events
You might be interested in an article that I have in the Guardian today on the pros and cons of prediction of natural hazards, and in particular of earthquakes.
11 May 2011
Strange goings-on in Rome
A rumour is circulating in Rome that a large earthquake will strike the city in the next few days. This post seeks to debunk the urban myth that is responsible for the panic.
10 September 2009
Successful anticipation of the Rest and Be Thankful landslide in Scotland
Image from The Times The Scotsman is reporting today that engineers anticipated the occurrence of the Rest and Be Thankful slide this week, shutting down the road before the slide happened. The report suggests that the intense rainfall prompted an inspection of the hillside by engineers because of the previous occurrence of landslides at this site. Once there, the engineers noted that the water in the burn (stream) was discoloured …
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