You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
21 December 2022
The Urni landslide: a recurring slope failure in India
On 19 December 2022 the Urni landslide in Kinnaur, India was captured on a dramatic video. The failure blocked a National Highway (NH-5).
30 July 2021
Tapovan Vishnugad – another landslide at the hydroelectric scheme in northern India
Tapovan Vishnugad – another landslide at the hydroelectric scheme that was devastated by the Cahmoli debris flow in northern India
15 February 2021
New perspectives on the Chamoli debris flow disaster
New perspectives on the Chamoli debris flow disaster in Uttarakhand provided by the high resolution Planet Labs imagery
10 February 2021
Hydroelectric power, dams and landslides in the Himalayas (and in other high mountain areas)
Hydroelectric power, dams and the growing list of landslide accidents in the Himalayas (and in other high mountain areas)
14 October 2020
A double tragedy: two landslides close to the construction site of the Rao Trang 3 hydropower plant in Vietnam
A double tragedy: two landslides close to the construction site of the Rao Trang 3 hydroelectric plant in Vietnam
26 May 2020
Punatsangchhu I: identifying ancient landslides in high mountain areas
A new paper published in Scientific Reports (Dini et al. 2020), and thus open access, uses InSAR to show movements of a large slope adjacent to the under construction Punatsangchhu I dam in Bhutan
10 June 2019
An image of the state of the Hidtroituango powerhouse
Images have been published showing the extreme levels of damage, caused by flooding, to the Hidroituango powerhouse in Colombia.
9 October 2018
Too close for comfort – a rockslope failure at Shongtong in northern India
A video has been posted showing a major rockslope failure at Shongtong in Kinnaur, northern India. Workers at the foot of the slope had a very near miss.
18 July 2018
Hidroituango: an update
Problems continue at the Hidroituango dam site in Colombia. Last week a significant seismic event was recorded in the power house cavern, which is thought to have been generated by a further rockfall in the underground excavation.
6 June 2018
Hidroituango: the potential for extremely large landslides?
News reports from Colombia say that an American technical report (possibly by USACE) suggests that landslides of up to 40 million cubic metres are possible at Hidroituango. As the report is not publicly available it is hard to know how to interpret these reports
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