18 June 2020
Quick clay landslides: an online documentary about Rissa
Posted by Dave Petley
Quick clay landslides: an online documentary about Rissa
The recent interest in quick clay landslides, triggered by the remarkable video from Alta in Norway, has led to a number of questions as to the mechanisms of these strange failures. Loyal reader George Haeh kindly pointed out that there is a wonderful video, produced by NGI, that seeks to explain the famous 1978 Rissa landslide in Norway. This was the first quick clay landslide to be caught on video; the recording remains a classic. The NGI documentary has been posted to Youtube. It includes the famous footage of the landslide in action.
The video is most definitely of its time, complete with haunting music, and it’s highly instructive in terms of explaining the sequence of events at Rissa, and the underlying processes. I especially recommend the sequence from about 2 minutes 34 seconds into the recording, which seeks to explain the mechanics of quick clays. The sequence includes an initially intact block of quick clay being subjected to a load that exceeds its strength:-
![Rissa landslide video](https://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/files/2020/06/20_06-Rissa-1.jpg)
An intact block of quick clay being loaded to beyond its strength. Still from a video from NGI, posted to Youtube.
During failure the video shows the rapid change in the properties of the clay:-
![Rissa landslide video](https://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/files/2020/06/20_06-Rissa-2.jpg)
Failure of the block of quick clay being loaded to beyond its strength. Still from a video from NGI, posted to Youtube.
The video then goes on to show that remoulding the clay, without adding any fluid, leads to a complete change in the material properties, that now behave as a liquid:-
![Rissa landslide video](https://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/files/2020/06/20_06-Rissa-3.jpg)
Remoulded behaviour of the block of quick clay being loaded to beyond its strength. Still from a video from NGI, posted to Youtube.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the video is the response to the addition of a small amount of table salt. The quick clay quickly regains much of its strength, to the extent that the technician can stand a knife up in the material:-
![Rissa landslide video](https://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/files/2020/06/20_06-Rissa-4.jpg)
Regain of strength of the quick clay after the addition of a small amount of table salt. Still from a video from NGI, posted to Youtube.
I have not seen such a clear explanation of the mechanics of quick clays.
On reflection 1: A valley blocking landslide in Sichuan
A large valley blocking landslide in Danba County in Sichuan, China has caused extensive flooding. 20,000 people have been evacuated.
On reflection 2: A mudslide-induced house collapse in Nigeria
Two children have been tragically killed by a mudslide-induced house collapse in Lagos, Nigeria.
Congratulations for the impressive video and its informative educational material!
Fantastic find, thank you!
This is such a classic. I’ve had this my lectures since I took them over from Erik. The special effects are also great.
It is a very good practical demonstration of loss of strength on remoulding in quick clay and also the influence of pore medium chemistry on the macro-level behaviour.