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29 March 2011
Tillite in outwash
Hoo boy. This one made me yelp… While on the glacial geology of western Pennsylvania trip last Saturday, we visited a gravel quarrying operation. The operators were extracting gravel from a glacial lake delta deposit, and it was full of glacial outwash — sediments washed out from the melting front of the Erie lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet. We were there to look at the Pleistocene features, but several …
28 March 2011
A glacial delta complex in western Pennsylvania
A week ago Saturday, my three Honors students and I went on a field trip led by Gary Fleeger of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey, to examine some cool glacial features in western Pennsylvania. The trip was associated with the joint meeting of the northeastern & north-central sections of the Geological Society of America, held in Pittsburgh. My favorite part of the trip was examining a glacial delta complex near Jacksville, …
11 November 2010
I got to Pittsburgh around 1:30pm yesterday, which meant I had several free hours before the opening reception for new Fine Fellows. I took a bunch of photos of the exhibits there, but my traveling laptop doesn’t have the image processing software that I usually employ to resize these things, so for now I’ll just share this one. It’s a sandstone from South Dakota, age unknown, which shows beautiful parallel …
10 November 2010
Gigapanning 101
I’m off today to the first ever Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania over the next several days. There, as one of this year’s cadre of Fine fellows, I’ll be given a Gigapan camera robot and photo-stitching software, and they will train me how to use it. I’m looking forward to producing my own Gigapan images, which will doubtless be primarily geological in scope, …
17 April 2010
Fine fellows
What do I have in common with luminaries like Mike Fay, James Balog, and Stuart Pimm? We’re all this year’s cadre of Fine Fellows, recipients of free Gigapanning equipment and training (at a conference in Pittsburgh in November) on how to use it. Ron Schott is of course the king of geology Gigapanners, though he has some competition, and my acquisition of a Gigapan robot will up the ante a …