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4 March 2016

Friday fold: Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire

It’s Friday, so in search of an appropriate fold, Joe Kopera leads us to the top of New Hampshire’s Mt. Monadnock. Bonus: boudinage!


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6 April 2011

Mount Washington 5: glacial features & views

Busy days here in DC and northern Virginia… Blogging time has been limited. A few more shots from this past summer’s time at Mount Washington, to fill the void… Prius atop mountain: The Great Gulf: Hikers in relatively warm weather: Another look down the Great Gulf: Glacial cobble of diorite, exotic to the top of the Presidential Range, and therefore icily transported there from a distant source. Mount Jefferson, as …


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31 March 2011

Mount Washington 4: folded granite dikes

We now return to Mount Washington, New Hampshire, where our intrepid heroes summit the mountain in a mere three hours (from Pinkham Notch via the Lion Head): To refresh your memory of the story so far, we had seen metamorphosed turbidites, like this one (new image): …and checked out some gorgeous metamorphic porphyroblasts of “pseudoandalusite,” like these (new image): … and some lovely folds in the metamorphic foliation. Now we …


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17 March 2011

Mount Washington 3: turbidites and their metamorphism

After my cousin Brad caught up with us after our Pinkham Notch roadcut excursion, we started up the trail at Tuckerman Ravine, and then detoured to go via the Lion Head. Immediately, we began to see some freaking awesome metamorphic porphyroblasts. During the Acadian Orogeny (in the late Devonian), the original muds and sands (deep sea turbidite deposits) of the Littleton Formation were metamorphosed. Pale-pink andalusite formed (that’s where these …


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11 March 2011

Friday fold(s): Mount Washington 2

More from Mount Washington, New Hampshire: some folds in the Madison Member of the Littleton Formation (schist) along the auto road near Cragway Springs (just past 5 miles up; see map below): IMAGE SOURCE The folds are asymmetrical, with long west-dipping limbs, and shorter east-dipping limbs. Happy Friday!


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21 February 2011

Mount Washington 1

Callan begins a new series on the geology of Mount Washington, New Hampshire with a look at a roadside outcrop of metamorphic rock bearing enigmatic inclusions. Tourmaline-bearing pegmatites are also spotted.


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10 February 2011

Mystery spikes

Mystery mineral from Mount Washington, New Hampshire: radiating needles of something black… I’d venture “tourmaline”… but you tell me.


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28 October 2010

Accretionary Wedge #28: Deskcrops

In honor of this month’s Accretionary Wedge (geoblog carnival; this month the theme is “deskcrops”), I recorded the following short video, showcasing some samples I have in my office: stromatolite (western Montana), conglomerate (Patagonia), schist (New Hampshire), anorthosite (New York), amygdular meta-basalt (Virginia), amphibolite (California), hematite concretions (eastern Montana), and a stretched-pebble lineated meta-conglomerate (Turkey).


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1 September 2010

Another metamorphosed graded bed

Over the summer, when my blogging access was limited to my iPhone, I uploaded a photo (taken with the iPhone) of a metamorphosed graded bed on the summit of Mount Washington, New Hampshire. Here’s another one that I saw, further down on the mountain, on the Auto Road (famous for its iconic bumper sticker): Lens cap for scale. …And here’s the obligatory annotated copy: Both of these images are enlargeable …


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16 August 2010

How to prep your pocket fold

“Pocket folds,” as my Rockies co-instructor Pete Berquist has defined them, are rock samples exhibiting folds that are small enough to stick in your pocket (and take back to your lab). Here’s a pocket fold that I found last week in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: I brought it home, and today I unpacked it from the car, along with about 70 pounds of other samples. I turned on …


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