26 April 2023
Bird update April 2023
Posted by Callan Bentley
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Another month gone by… and spring migration is cranking along!
I’m up to a 111 species in my county for the year so far.
Migration is cranking right now, and there are lots of new species arriving each day (or just passing through en route to higher latitudes). I haven’t been making the most of it, frankly – due to family and work obligations, and a general end-of-semester feeling of exhaustion. But I have made the most of a few half-days here and there, and I feel pretty good about what I’ve been able to accomplish.
My “rank” has slipped to #4, and it was as low as #5 yesterday morning. But I feel like that’s still just fine, as my goal is merely to stay in the top 10.
Every year at this time (late April & early May), spring migration coincides with the end of the semester, and my life is split between the bliss of being in nature and the hassles of end-of-term grading, student issues, and May specific tasks, like graduation ceremonies. Summer won’t be as birdy, but at least it will be calmer!