
You are browsing the archive for October 2018 - Mountain Beltway.

26 October 2018

Friday folds: Mather Gorge Formation

It’s been a very Billy-Goaty week for me. Three times since Sunday afternoon, I’ve taken people to the Billy Goat Trail’s “A” loop in C&O Canal National Historical Park. On Tuesday and Thursday, it was my NOVA Physical Geology students. On Sunday, though, it was just my son and me. Good news! He helped me discover a new fold by exploring some new rock outcrops and climbing on them. He …


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19 October 2018

Friday fold: the Brooks Range, Alaska

It’s Friday, thank goodness. Today our “Friday fold” feature heads north, way north, to the Brooks Range of Alaska. There we find a trio of mountainsides exposing folds photographed in the 1990s.


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17 October 2018

The Big Oyster, by Mark Kurlansky

Mark Kurlansky might be the king of the micro-history. His books Salt and Cod were both excellent examinations of history in the context of those minerals and fishes. So when I saw The Big Oyster on the audio-book shelf at my public library, I checked it out, knowing roughly what I would get – a history anchored to that particular delicious mollusk. In this case, it’s a history of New …


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12 October 2018

Friday fold: the Devil’s Backbone and its neighbor

It’s Friday; time to stretch our backbones out in anticipation of the weekend. Let’s look to a backboney-named Friday fold for a little inspiration… …And what’s that, just down the road? Another fold, in need of a catchy name…


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11 October 2018

Q&A, episode 6

A reader asks about Callan’s source of inspiration, a fitting question given the advent of Earth Science Week, which this year has as its theme “The Earth as Inspiration.” Brace yourself for a tantalizing cavalcade of gorgeous images of patterns in rocks!


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5 October 2018

Friday fold: Vernazza, Italy

For this Friday’s fold, we must journey to the storied Cinque Terre coastline of Italy, where we will encounter some mysterious turbidites…


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