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30 June 2008

Traveling again

Sorry for the sparse posting again – I’m on a whirlwind tour of the wilds of the Blue Ridge, followed by the wilds of…Buffalo’s rental communities! Hopefully I’ll have time to do some posting this week in between inspecting apartments and trying not to get lost in Western NY.Coming up: blue quartz, structure cubes and earthquake initiatives.


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17 April 2008

Playing catch-up: In which Cookie finally talks about some Boston geology

Now that I’ve put my brain back together after all the grad school insanity, I really should finish up some of the posts I’ve left hanging. It seems like months since I was in Boston, even though it’s only been…well, weeks. Two very long weeks. Anyway, this one’s about the geology I came up with on the last day I was there, walking the “Freedom Trail”. I probably walked about …


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7 April 2008

They may have 9 months of snow a year, but Broomball is teh coolness!

Just back from visiting Houghton and the campus of Michigan Tech, which means I only have one more grad school visit before the big choice. It might be hard; I’ve met some really great people in the past two and heard about interesting prospects for MS projects. Turns out MT isn’t cold all the time – we just had three beautiful, sunny and fairly warm days, which I was once …


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3 April 2008

In which Boston geology is ignored in favor of funny sign photos

And, of course, the Lamborghini. Mostly because I’m blogging from fabulous sunny Houghton MI, and I don’t want to spend the entire evening on the computer. Not to mention I’m a little teensy bit tired, having almost missed my connecting flight and sprinted the entire length of the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. So instead of geology, you get amusing signage. Enjoy. I spent a lot of time up in the North …


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1 April 2008

In which Cookie discovers that the NSTA meeting is MUCH bigger than GSA

Part 1 of the Boston trip, starting with a few photos from the actual NSTA meeting. (Next up will be my walking tour of the city, including the green Lamborghini and what geology I ran across – and there was some!) All in all, it was an interesting experience. I got to talk to a few hundred science teachers, discovered that they will take anything marked “FREE” (and some things …


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Back again

I managed to survive Boston, although I’m still recovering from the effects of free goodies on several thousand K12 science teachers. It was a freaking feeding frenzy in that exhibition hall. I’m still too tired to come up with something clever for April Fools at the moment, but I’ll share some photos once I find my camera cord (which, come to think of it, may have been snapped up by …


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26 March 2008

Off to Boston

Blogging will be a bit sparse – I’m off to Boston for the NSTA conference. Running a booth for three days…wow, it’ll be just like science fair all over again! Okay, maybe a little too much sarcasm there. I’m looking forward to seeing Boston, at any rate. If anyone’s going to the conference, let me know – I’ll tell you where I’ll be set up!


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25 February 2008

Sleepless in Seattle

As promised, I have an update on my latest travel experience, which was out to Seattle to visit the University of Washington graduate school. Surprisingly enough, the weather was fantastic – clear for three days in a row and not even cold! I was quickly informed by the grad students that this was highly unusual and that I had, in fact, been secretly transported to an alternate universe version of …


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19 February 2008

Brief update

Apologies for the lack of posting…being flattened by the latest bug wasn’t what I had planned for this week. Fortunately, I managed to spend a productive weekend working with my undergrad advisor on the paper we’re hoping to publish before I head off to grad school. Thursday I’m flying to Seattle for the first of my grad school visits. I made sure to get a window seat on the plane …


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