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9 November 2010
The human side of landslides
The recent passage of Hurricane Tomas across St Lucia, about which I have posted previously, has left a trail of destruction that has been surprisingly under-reported in the mainstream media. There are some dramatic pictures of the impact of the storm on this blog. Emerging from the wreckage is a very human story of the destructive nature of landslides.
13 January 2010
Initial reports of landslides induced by the Haiti earthquake
It is inevitable that the Haiti earthquake will have triggered landslides, especially in the mountains and in the slum areas built onto the hillsides around the large cities. At present it is not possible to quantify how large these impacts will have been, but some reports are starting to emerge: The BBC live coverage has this report:Emmet Murphy, Jacmel, Haiti, emails:I was driving through the mountains when the car started …
Haiti – some thoughts on disaster reporting by the media
Watching the reports of the earthquake disaster in Haiti coming in, I thought it might be useful to share some observations on the reporting of the immediate aftermath of disasters in less developed countries:1. Everything stops at night. At the time of writing it is still night time on Haiti. In the aftermath of an earthquake electricity and power supplies are wiped out, so for the night time period it …
The likely impacts of the Haiti earthquake
The earthquake in Haiti is likely to have caused very high levels of damage and many fatalities. The USGS is currently reporting the earthquake as magnitude 7.0 at a shallow depth (only 10 km), which will have led to high ground accelerations for a large area of the country:The USGS PAGER analysis, which examines the vulnerability of the population is the affected area places three large communities (Petit Goave, population …
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