2 March 2015
Gazost: an impressive landslide in the Hautes-Pyrenees
Posted by Dave Petley
Gazost is a tiny village located high in the Hautes-Pyrenees region of France (43.031N, 0.007E if you want to find it on Google Earth). On Friday afternoon a reasonably large and quite mobile landslide removed 150 m of the only access road to the village, leaving the 20 or so inhabitants stranded. Reports suggest that the landslide occurred after a period of heavy snow in February and then rainfall more recently. France-3 has a nice gallery of images and a video of the site. This image provides a nice overview of the landslide:

Courtesy of France-3
This is quite an interesting landslide in that the debris appears to have been quite mobile. France-3 also has this image of the lower part of the track of the landslide:

Courtesy of France-3
The upper part of the landslide appears to be rotational, with a reasonably large displaced and back-tilted block:

Image courtesy of France-3
Whilst the lower part seems to have been a mobile flow, judging by the materials at the toe:

Image courtesy of France-3