3 December 2009
Landslides at the AGU Fall meeting
Posted by Dave Petley
Like 16,000 other Earth and environmental scientists, I am heading off next week to the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, which is held in San Francisco. I have attended several times before – it is an amazing meeting – but this year there is added spice provided by the new Natural Hazards grouping, which means that there is far more of interest for me. The landslide specific session is entitled “Landslide Prediction and Assessment: Mechanisms and Controls on Size Distribution”, wich consists of two oral sessions and a large poster session, all on Thursday 17th December. The oral sessions have a great line-up, including:
- A General Landslide Distribution for Triggered Event Landslide Inventories from 100-10,000 Landslides (Invited). B. D. Malamud; F. Guzzetti; D. L. Turcotte
- Landslide scaling and magnitude-frequency distribution (Invited). C. P. Stark; F. Guzzetti
Material Matters in Landslide Volume-Area Scaling . I. J. Larsen; D. R. Montgomery; O. Korup - Erosion effects on the size and mobility of granular avalanches and landslides. A. Mangeney; O. Roche; O. Hungr; N. Mangold; A. Lucas
- Acoustic Emissions During Progressive Failure of Earth Materials – Can we “Hear” The Onset of a Landslide?. G. K. Michlmayr; D. O. Cohen;
- A framework for spatial and temporal prediction of shallow landslides induced by rainfall (Invited). J. W. Godt; N. Lu; B. Sener-Kaya; R. L. Baum
- The early warning system of landslides and sediment runoffs using meteorological condition including rainfall-soil moisture index (Invited). T. Kubota; I. C. Silva; H. Hasnawir
- New techniques for landslide hazard assessments: opportunities, methodology, and uncertainty. D. B. Kirschbaum; C. D. Peters-Lidard; R. F. Adler; Y. Hong
- Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Landslides . F. Nadim; F. Sandersen
That is quite a line-up!
I am giving three papers at the meeting. These are:
Session Title: EP33C. Coastal Geomorphology and Morphodynamics III
Location: 2004 (Moscone West)
Start time: Wed, Dec 16 – 1:40 PM
EP33C-01. Energy Delivery to Cliffs from Waves, Tides and Storms. E. C. Norman; N. J. Rosser; M. Lim; D. N. Petley
Another paper in the same session will be delivered by a researcher from my team, Mike Lim:
EP33C-03. A quantitative analysis of rock cliff erosion environments. M. Lim; N. Rosser; D. N. Petley; E. C. Norman; J. Barlow
Session Title: H21J. Rocks, Fractures, Fluids, and Life: Insights From Subsurface Observatories I
Location: 3005 (Moscone West)
Start time: Tue, Dec 15 – 8:00 AM
H21J-01. On the development of an underground geoscience laboratory at Boulby in NE England (Invited). D. N. Petley; N. Rosser; J. Barlow; M. J. Brain; M. Lim; M. Sapsford; D. Pybus View Pres.
Session Title: NH52A. Extreme Natural Hazards: Risk Assessment, Forecasting, and Decision Support III
Location: 2006 (Moscone West)
Start time: Fri, Dec 18 – 10:20 AM
NH52A-04. Quantifying the impacts of landslides on society. D. N. Petley; N. Rosser; R. Parker View Pres.
And I am involved in a series of posters too:
Session Title: EP43A. Coastal Geomorphology and Morphodynamics IV Posters
Location: Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Start time: Thu, Dec 17 – 1:40 PM
Session Title: H23E. Rocks, Fractures, Fluids, and Life: Insights From Subsurface Observatories II Posters
Location: Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Start time: Tue, Dec 15 – 1:40 PM
H23E-0997. The Boulby Geoscience Project Underground Research Laboratory: Initial Results of a Rock Mechanics Laboratory Testing Programme. M. J. Brain; D. N. Petley; N. Rosser; M. Lim; M. Sapsford; J. Barlow; E. Norman; A. Williams; D. Pybus View Pres.
Session Title: NH43C. Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards III Posters
Location: Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Start time: Thu, Dec 17 – 1:40 PM
NH43C-1350. Controls on the spatial distribution of landslide hazards triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan Province, China . R. N. Parker; N. J. Rosser; D. N. Petley; A. L. Densmore View Pres.
See you there I hope!