6 February 2009
Another landslide video – car hit by landslide in Japan
Posted by Dave Petley
There has been an extraordinary flurry of landslide videos of late (e.g. here) presumably reflecting both the high occurrence of landslide events and the ubiquity video sharing sites. Another has appeared this morning – this time from Japan. The video should be embedded below or can be viewed here.
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I guess this is not as spectacular as for example this one, this one and this one, but is interesting nonetheless. The occupants of the car were lucky that the slide did not engulf the car or push it off the road. One interesting aspect is the way that the car was bulldozed rather than being buried, which is a useful observation when we think about the rescue of survivors.
Does anyone know where in Japan this happened? The date on the video appears to be 31st January.
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