6 February 2008
January 2007 final map
Posted by Dave Petley
Below is the fatal landslide distribution map for January 2008. I have coded the rainfall induced landslides as black dots and those caused by other causes as red dots.
The January 2008 fatal landslide distribution map. Rainfall-induced landslides are the black dots, those caused by other processes (mostly quarrying and construction) are in red. Click on the map for a larger version.
A few observations on the data:
- I recorded 20 fatal landslides in the month with a total of 106 fatalities
- Of these, only six were triggered by rainfall, accounting for 56 deaths.
- There is a notable cluster of landslides in northern India. However, most of these were triggered construction or quarrying, so it probably represents just a coincidence.
- Overall, the total is below the long term average for the number of fatalities occurring in January.
I welcome any thoughts, observations or comments.