13 January 2010

Last Night on the Ice (Weather Permitting)

Posted by Dan Satterfield

IMG_0520I do what is called the BAG DRAG at 8pm tonight. That mans I get weighed with all my bags and ECW gear on for the flight back to Christchurch tomorrow. The weather sets the schedule here though.

Mount Erebus dominates the skyline around McMurdo Base. The farthest south active volcano. We freeuently see plumes of steam rising from it.

Mount Erebus dominates the skyline around McMurdo Base. The farthest south active volcano. We frequently see plumes of steam rising from it.

Our trip to the WAIS Divide ice core site was cancelled because of high winds and no visibility. Similar conditions to what trapped us at the Pole.

Just enough time to show you a snap or two from yesterdays trip to the Dry Valleys and Cape Royds.



McMurdo Station Antarctica

5:43pm Thursday  14 January 2010