1 June 2011

New Soil Blogs

Posted by John Freeland

Years ago, a fellow geology major and friend who went on to graduate school to focus on structural geology and tectonics liked to “razz” those of us interested in surficial processes, dismissing it all as “superficial geology.” In rebuttal, someone would remind him that structure and tectonics are only significant to the extent those things are expressed at or near Earth’s surface where we all try to make a living. It would go back and forth for awhile until someone would change the subject to spilite keratophyre sequences or one of the undecipherable (to non-geology majors) domains of geoscience. What a vast collection of jargon we have!

I’m gratified to see some cool new soil blogs: tales of dust and mud. Stuff we can actually experience.

Via Jessica Drake at Soilduck:

Was looking into my Google Analytics and comments streams today, and was pleasantly surprised to find quite a few new soil science blogs to add to my list!

Geodermatophilia which is “A networking resource devoted to biological soil crusts and the researchers who study them.”

It’s Not Easy Being Green who discusses the environment, gardening and outdoors.
If you are in Perth, Australia, and love gardening and sustainable food production check out Peacetree Permaculture.
Or Joe the soil scientist at Theology of Joe.

Very pleased to see more soil blogs! Happy blogging

Thanks Jess!