21 June 2018
AGU Centennial is a time for outreach
Posted by Shane Hanlon
By Shane M Hanlon
Science surrounds us. It’s everywhere and affects us every day and oftentimes folks even don’t even realize it. That’s why AGU’s Centennial is the perfect occasion to get out there and share your science!
AGU is turning 100 and we want everyone to be a part of it. As part of the AGU Centennial, we’re encouraging scientists around the world to be a part of the Centennial outreach efforts by planning your own events or programs to share your science with non-science audiences. Check out this great list of ways that you can reach out throughout the next year.
Use the resources we have provided to identify and talk to the most important and accessible audiences and create and run your own events. Share your own tips for success and lessons learned with your colleagues.
Additionally, take a look at our Paths to Engagement to craft your own path to share your science to general non-scientists, media, policy, and K-12 audiences.
We hope you can join us in celebrating, and sharing, 100 years of Earth and space science–and many more to come.
-Shane M Hanlon is a Senior Specialist in AGU’s Sharing Science Program.