You are browsing the archive for AGU Centennial Archives - The Plainspoken Scientist.
6 January 2020
Fall Meeting was amazing. What now?
Now that the holiday season is (largely) over, we’re reflecting here at Sharing Science on the successes of Fall Meeting and where we go from here.
15 November 2019
Introducing “Sci & Tell” – a…well…not really a podcast…
Shane M Hanlon AGU’s 2017 Fall Meeting, we partnered for Story Corps as part of AGU’s Centennial to record audio stories from scientists in the Story Corps model. From that seed, we kept the program going as the Narratives Project: The AGU Centennial is an opportunity to reflect on our past and welcome all the possibilities that the next century will bring. To capture where we’ve been and where we’re going, …
21 June 2018
AGU Centennial is a time for outreach
AGU is turning 100 and we want everyone to be a part of it!