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2 February 2022
Abundance, by Karen Lloyd
Callan reviews a new book about endangered species and ecosystem recovery in various parts of Europe.
16 February 2021
Deep Time Reckoning, by Vincent Ialenti
Stereotypically, I think of anthropologists as scholars who head off into years-long sojourns embedded with indigenous peoples, learning their cultures, practices, and insights. Vincent Ialenti has shown me that modern anthropologists can study other groups too. Ialenti’s population of interest is a modern group of European geoscientists, nuclear engineers, and planners. Together, they are charged with planning for the integrity of a Finnish nuclear waste repository. But studying this group, …
10 July 2020
Friday fold: Candigliano River, Italy
Reader Michael Hiteshaw spotted some amazing folds this week while watching Kayak Session TV on YouTube. Though there’s a dramatic arc of “saving” a deer, both Michael and I felt our eyes drawn to the canyon walls where there are gorgeous folds in several sizes and shapes, with an emphasis on chevron folds: The video description on YouTube reads: Fabulous action by whitewater kayaker Fabrizio “Gass” Capizzo who saved …
19 June 2020
Friday fold: Scaglia Rossa chevrons at Lago di Fiastra
My friend Alan Pitts is orchestrating a virtual field camp for George Mason University this summer, utilizing outcrops in central Italy’s Apennine Mountains. Here’s a 3D model he just posted of one of the most impressive outcrops there: the chevron folds in the Scaglia Rossa limestones at Lago di Fiastra. I featured the site as a Friday fold 3 years ago when Alan took me there in person, but this …
10 April 2020
Friday fold: Sorrosal Falls, Pyrenees
Folded Eocene turbidites exposed on the face of a spectacular waterfall in the Spanish Pyrenees. It’s Friday; enjoy this fold!
6 March 2020
Friday fold: an Extreme(adura) geological history question
The Friday folds are revealed in an elegant cross-section through fantastic rocks in the Extremadura region of Spain.
13 September 2019
Friday fold: crinkled schist from Italy
AGU’s Chief Digital Officer Jay Brodsky offers up a fresh European fold for you today — and this one is on rather a smaller scale than Jay’s last Friday fold contribution… Click through for a bigger version. These are lovely crinkly folds in highly foliated rocks. I love boxy little crenulations like these. Jay tells me that this is from Graines, Italy, in one of the valleys of the Val …
6 September 2019
Friday fold: Gonzen, Switzerland
Science writer Gabe Popkin shared two fold photos with me this week – both from near Sargans, Switzerland, adjacent to the Rhine River Valley and the border with Lichtenstein. The photos shows the mountain called Gonzen. There, Jurassic limestones crop out in a very wavy pattern: I don’t know the geology of this area in any kind of detail, but I decided to trace out a distinctive upper surface of …
24 May 2019
Friday fold: Riffelhorn (+xenolith)
Naomi Barshi shares this “deskcrop” Friday fold… Naomi says she found this fold: near the Riffelhorn, Gornergrat, above Zermatt, Switzerland. The sample has befriended my other show-off sample of a mantle xenolith from San Quintin, Baja California. Thanks for sharing, Naomi! The xenolith is a nice bonus!
8 March 2019
Friday fold: Dent de Morcles
The Friday fold is a recumbent anticline/syncline pair, deforming the K/Pg boundary in the Swiss Alps, as photographed from the air by Bernhard Edmaier.