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10 February 2023
Friday fold: Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in granite?
Reader Christian Gronau returns with another “guest Friday fold” submission. Christian writes, Greetings from a cold and wet west coast. A good time to root through old rock samples – and let the imagination run free … The little compilation below strikes me as visually compelling (both photographs are mine) – but how likely is it that the suggested analogy has any merit ? Would it have some …
15 April 2022
Friday fold: Cretaceous Canada
A guest contribution for the Friday fold, from reader Christian Gronau: Christian reports that this is located on the North side of Hwy.11, 20 miles east of Saskatchewan River Crossing, Alberta. Eastern foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Faulting and folding in Early Cretaceous Luscar Group sediments. Typical repeating sequence of sandstone, siltstone and coal. Thanks for pitching in, Christian! Happy Friday to all!
5 June 2020
Friday fold: Harbledown Island
Reader Christian Gronau writes with this Friday fold contribution: Greetings from Cortes Island, BC – at the opposite end of the Strait vis-a-vis Lopez Island. Your Mountain Beltway blog is always of interest, and I have been following it for several years by now. Thank you for putting the effort into this worthwhile website. Quite regularly your posts elicit “echoes” and make me go back to some of my own …
1 November 2019
Friday fold: Newfoundland beach cobble
This Friday’s fold is found in a metasedimentary beach cobble I found last summer in southeastern Newfoundland: A lovely little “pocket fold,” it came home with me and is among the handful of “deskcrops” I keep in my home office. Happy Friday and happy November!
11 October 2019
Friday fold: Watern Cove
A moderate mesoscale monocline at Watern Cove, Newfoundland, shows off multicellular animal fossils of the Ediacaran Mistaken Point Formation.
3 September 2019
An unconformity at Bacon Cove, Newfoundland
At Bacon Cove in eastern Newfoundland, there is a nice example of an angular unconformity between Ediacaran and Cambrian sedimentary rocks.
16 August 2019
Friday fold: near Mistaya Lodge in the Canadian Rockies
Quick, awesome Friday fold here from the Canadian Rockies and Maggie Romuld: Maggie also posted another intriguing image of her hiking in the Canadian Rockies – and set geoTwitter abuzz with a discussion of whether she had captured load casts bulging out of the bottom side of a bed or stromatolites projecting upward from the top of a bed. Have a look & read the ensuing discussion here. Happy Friday!
9 August 2019
Friday fold: crumpled green metavolcanics from St. Anthony
The Friday fold erupted out of a volcano, completing the second part of its two stage cooling history, then later got folded and metamorphosed. It was found atop a high cliff near the northern Newfoundland town of St. Anthony.
2 August 2019
Friday fold: kinks in gritty phyllite near Lawn, Newfoundland
The ‘Friday fold’ shows gorgeous conjugate sets of kink bands transecting the plane of foliation in some phyllitic metasediments seen on the southern Burin Peninsula of Newfoundland.
27 July 2019
Offset limestone layers at Broom Point
Yesterday, I featured some folds from Broom Point, but there are also faults there. With the intriguing local limestone conglomerates providing easily-discernible marker beds, these apparently vertical faults are easy to spot. Here are three examples: