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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

4 January 2021

The Trotternish landslide complex on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

Understanding the Trotternish landslide complex on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, perhaps the most beautiful landslides on Earth?


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21 January 2016

Landslides in Chile Part 3: the Meson Alto rock avalanche

The Meson Alto rock avalanche is a 4.5 cubic kilometre landslide located in a tributary of the Maipo Valley high in the Andes of Chile.


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19 March 2015

Klisura Monastery – a landslide that threatens a key heritage site

The medieval Klisura Monastery in Serbia is being threatened by a landslide.


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22 February 2013

The Bitter Springs landslide in Arizona, USA

A large reactivated landslide has blocked US89 at Bitter Springs in Arizona, USA. This has been comprehensively described in a number of brilliant posts in the Geoblogosphere


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26 November 2009

The damage caused by landslides during earthquakes

Below is the presentation file of the keynote lecture that I gave today at the Chilean Geological Congress in Santiago. I have removed a few of the figures as they have not yet been published. You should be able to download and to view the file below: Damage caused by earthquake landslides http://www.authorstream.com/player/player.swf?p=278331_633948356710621250 See more presentations by Dr_Dave | Upload your own PowerPoint presentations The powerpoint file is hosted on Authorstream, which …


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23 November 2009

The ten greatest landslide papers?

Whilst pushing my five year old daughter on the swing the other day (a task that leaves plenty of time to think!), I was pondering upon the greatest landslide papers of all time. I thought that it would be interesting to compile a list and invite suggestions of alternatives. So, here is my list, in no particular order: 1. Terzaghi on the principle of effective stressIn 1936 Karl von Terzaghi …


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8 November 2009

The role of landslides in coral reef destruction

Loss of coral reefs is a widely reported and serious problem, caused by a range of factors including changes in sea temperature and chemistry; pollution; fishing; development; and mining. Reefs are often also damaged by severe storms. It is is thus unsurprising to read this report of serious damage to the coral reefs at Orchid Island, to the south-east of Taiwan, as a result of Typhoon Morakot: “Coral reefs off …


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14 October 2009

Teachers First presentation on the hazards associated with the Wenchuan (Sichuan) earthquake

This is a 45 minute presentation that I gave today at a seminar for sixth form (High School) teachers on the impact of the Wenchuan (Sichuan) Earthquake in May 2008. You should be able to view or download the presentation below. Please feel free to use it as appropriate for educational purposes, but please acknowledge me. Teachers First Talk 14th October 2009 http://www.authorstream.com/player/player.swf?p=254450_633911254812360000 See more presentations by Dr_Dave | Upload …


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12 October 2009

Updated and corrected: Large rockslide in Naches, Yakima County, Washington State

Updated: correct landslide location – thanks to various readers (especially Andrew Giles and Steve in ATL) for helping me to get this right – and apologies for the earlier error. I have posted an update to this post here. Various media agencies (e.g. here, here and here) are reporting a large landslide at Naches in Yakima County, Washington State, USA, which has blocked state highway. The Seattle Times has a …


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