1 November 2016

Another novel way to manage rockfall hazard: blasting the slope with gunfire from a tank

Posted by Dave Petley

Another novel way to manage rockfall hazard: blasting the slope with gunfire from a tank

A few years ago I highlighted an amazing method for managing rockfall in hazard in Norway using an enormous wrecking ball suspended from below a helicopter.  I have inserted the video at the end of this post in case you have not seen it.  Kerry Leith (@stress-driven) came across another amazing approach in this case in Switzerland, in which gunfire from a tank was used to trigger the failure.  The video itself is on Youtube, you should be able to see it below:


The caption that goes with the video says the following:

In Oberiberg the residents are at risk of a rock fall. Since the risk that the rock could even throw in the drilling of blast holes into the valley, it was decided to make the Swiss Army to solve this problem.
After a hard fight, the Swiss soldiers who conquered the rock.
Now everyone can sleep peacefully again.

My interpretation is that the issue was with the pillar shown in the image below, which presumably was showing signs of collapse, most likely through toppling:


Managing rockfall hazard with gunfire from a tank, via Youtube


Ultimately the efforts are successful and the column collapses spectacularly:


Managing rockfall hazard with gunfire from a tank, via Youtube


I guess one can say that this worked, albeit after quite a few attempts.  I suspect that it was fun too.

This is the original helicopter video: