2 September 2010
Another large landslide in China
Posted by Dave Petley
China has today suffered another large landslide event. Xinhua reports that a slide happened at 10:20 pm on Wednesday in the village of Wama in Longyang District, Yunnan, leaving 8 people dead and 40 missing. Xinhua have this image of the slide:
As far as I can tell, this is the location:
Unfortunately the Google Earth image for this area is poor, but there is a report on a small hydro-electric scheme at this village available online here. I should add that I am not suggesting that the HEP scheme was responsible for the slide. This article on recent permission for logging in the area is also interesting.
Hi Dave,an update on the China landslide – http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2010-09/03/c_13475845.htm
Hi Dave,I am trying to study the landslides in China. What would be my best resource. The Chinese Geological Survey website is in Chinese.Thank you