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28 October 2012

Halloween Superstorm Heads for Mid-Atlantic

The winds are already increasing along the Eastern Seaboard tonight as Sandy heads northward. I was at Cape Henlopen in Delaware before dark, and the ocean was already roaring with 5-6 foot swells. There is still some disagreement int he model guidance but I’d put the chances of landfall between Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and Sandy Hook NJ at 70%. As Sandy turns into an extratropical storm the winds will no …


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10 September 2012

Arctic Ice Is Disappearing and Our Weather Will Never Be The Same

With every passing year it becomes more apparent that the Arctic Ocean sea ice seems to be in a death spiral. The ice area this September is 45% below the levels during September in the 1980’s, and almost certainly it is at levels that haven’t been seen for a thousand years (and likely much more). The melt back this year smashed the record set back in 2007, and we have now reached …


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29 August 2012

Hurricane Isaac Strengthens Noticeably At Landfall. Risk to New Orleans Increasing.

Winds are gusting to over 100 mph just offshore now and winds are already gusting to near 80 mph around the New Orleans area tonight. The radar data shows a shrinking eye wall and that also indicates the Isaac has gotten stronger. The track now seems likely to put New Orleans in the wettest and windiest part of the storm. The storm surge and the rainfall remain the biggest worries. If you are in …


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24 May 2012

Lake Breeze Around Lake Erie and Lake Ontario

NASA’s Aqua satellite captured a gorgeous view of the lake breeze around Lakes Erie & Ontario  Wednesday afternoon. The still, very chilly, waters of the lakes can produce a strong and pronounced lake breeze as the late spring sunshine warms up the land. Afternoon temps. near the lake were in the low 60’s while it was in the mid to upper 70’s just a few miles inland. Just to remind you that …


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14 May 2012

The World’s Water- An amazing image.

This image courtesy of the USGS: Some interesting facts I looked up regarding water: Virtually all of that blue blob is salt water and not drinkable. Only 2.5% of that blue marble of water s fresh and 70% of that 2.5% is frozen ice in Greenland, Antarctica, or on high mountaintops. Only .007% of Earth’s water is easily accessible for humans, a fact that I made much of when taught …


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