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8 January 2019
The Science of Our Stories: How Communication and Training Bridges the Gap Between Scientists and Journalists
All of our lives are made up of stories that help us make sense of the constantly changing world around us. Stories help us understand what is happening, why it’s happening, and the ever-important-question of what can be done about it; They often provide us with the familiar narrative elements – an introduction, plots, main characters, setting, climax, and conclusion – that our brains readily accept as the way the story should go. But when it comes to the story of science, sometimes things get more complex, messy, and completely non-linear.
16 November 2018
Register for scicomm workshops, Open Mic Night, & more at AGU18
AGU18 is…oh wow…less than a month away! We in the Sharing Science program are busily putting the final touches on all the content, logistics, swag, and more to make this the more Sharing Science-y meeting yet!
21 June 2018
AGU Centennial is a time for outreach
AGU is turning 100 and we want everyone to be a part of it!
12 February 2018
Third Pod from the Sun is back!
Our podcast is back and this time we’re talking about performing science at the edge of glaciers!
8 January 2018
Fall Meeting Follow-up: Congressional Science & Mass Media Fellow Luncheon
This post was originally posted on AGU’s science policy blog The Bridge Are you a scientist interested in policy or journalism? Are you considering a career in policy or journalism? Did you sadly miss our event discussing our science policy and science writing fellowships? Well, you’re in luck! During Fall Meeting, AGU hosted its annual luncheon entitled “How to be a Congressional Science or Mass Media Fellow”. The event provided attendees the opportunity …
28 September 2017
#dataviz – The (not really) new form a scicomm
Data can be more than numbers on a spreadsheet. It can tell a beautiful story.
20 March 2017
Facebook Live for #scicomm
By Shane M Hanlon There are so many venues for science communication, especially when it comes to social media. For example, AGU alone has four official Twitter accounts (Sharing Science, AGU, Eos, Science Policy), an Instagram account, and a half-dozen Facebook pages. Social media is a powerful venue for communicating tips on communication. Twitter is an especially great place to learn about #scicomm resources and opportunities through hashtags like #scicomm, …
5 January 2017
Communicating Real Science in a time of Fake News
Good popular science writing matters more than ever.
28 October 2016
So you want to talk to a journalist?
Ever wanted some quick tips and tools on sharing your research with the media. Start here!
26 September 2016
Being mindful as a public scientist
Want to open a Twitter account but are hesitant about everyone seeing your every tweet? Here are some tips to shape your public profile.