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2 June 2023
What makes a river a river?
Close your eyes and picture a river…go on, do it!
What did you see? Did you picture a clear, deep mountain stream? A raging river in a steep gorge? A creek with grassy banks and forest? Whatever you pictured, it probably included water.
28 November 2022
Excitement! Adventure! Sharing Science at #AGU22
Check out events on science communication, policy, art, multimedia, storytelling, and more at AGU22 (AGU’s Fall Meeting).
7 June 2021
Making #SciAnimations Using PowerPoint
If you find yourself needing to show some movement or change when describing your science, and you usually do this by drawing arrows, consider using making a short animation.
16 December 2020
#DrawnToGeoscience: SciComm with masks
I didn’t think I’d ever use a mask to communicate science, but here I am! Due to COVID-19, masks became a requirement for in-person activities. I enjoy science communication and outreach, and I knew I would still be doing in-person activities this semester, so I decided I would give “masked science” a try.
7 December 2020
#AGU20 Sharing Science Week 1 Recap
One of my favorite features is the ability to watch recordings of the events/sessions afterwards, so if you missed it live, you can catch it later. So, below find a recap of (mostly) Sharing Science events and where to watch them.
13 April 2020
Voice for Science: A Welcome with Advice from Alumni
In 2018, AGU launched Voices for Science, a program that centers around training scientists to address the critical need for communicating the value and impact of Earth and space science to key decision makers, journalists, and public audiences. The program recruits scientists to participate in one of two tracks: policy or communications.
6 January 2020
Fall Meeting was amazing. What now?
Now that the holiday season is (largely) over, we’re reflecting here at Sharing Science on the successes of Fall Meeting and where we go from here.
2 December 2019
SciComm, policy, and outreach at AGU19!
♩It’s the most, wonderful tiiiiiiiime, of the year! ♫
3 January 2019
AGU18 debrief: Y’all love scicomm…and that makes us happy
Yes, I know. Fall Meeting was last month (and year), so what took us so long? Honestly…we were exhausted, but for the best reasons. Turns out that y’all love scicomm so much and helped to make AGU18 one of most successful for Sharing Science yet!
5 November 2018
A Sense of Place: Recruiting Interest in Science and Discovery Through Storytelling and Outreach
By Jane Wolken Some memories of a place are so vivid that they trigger the senses: the sight of a brilliant orange sunset viewed from a cool rock outcrop on the shore of a remote lake; the sound of a squirrel chirping from the top of a white spruce tree laden with cones; the unique smell of Labrador tea; the tart taste of Alaskan blueberries; and the abrupt touch of …