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19 August 2017
Professor Oldrich Hungr
Last week my good friend, the pioneering landslide scientist and teacher, Professor Oldrich Hungr, sadly passed away in Grenoble, France
3 October 2012
Landslide expert Earl Brabb has died
The renowned landslide geologist Earl Brabb, who worked for the USGS for 40 years, has recently died.
4 January 2012
Professor John Hutchinson
Yesterday, the Daily Telegraph published a notice that John Hutchinson, Emeritus Professor of Soil Mechanics at Imperial College, died peacefully on 21st December 2011. I am sure that, like me, others working on landslides around the world will be greatly saddened by this news. John was born in 1926 and grew up in the city of Coventry before reading Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham. Upon graduating in 1947 …
9 March 2009
The loss of a geotechnical great – Sir Alan Muir-Wood
The Daily Telegraph is today carrying an obituary of Sir Alan Muir-Wood. Whilst Sir Alan will be best remembered as one of the modern-day fathers of tunnelling, his early work was focused on erosion on the south coast of England. For example, he was responsible for developing an understanding of the Folkestone Warren landslide in Kent in SE England (see image below), and for many other coastal slopes beside. His …
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