You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
10 December 2021
The 11th Lumb Lecture at HKU: Bridging the Gap between Theoretical and Actual Slope Performance by H.N. Wong
Last Friday Professor H.N. Wong delivered the 11th Lumb Lecture at Hong Kong University, entitled “Bridging the Gap between Theoretical and Actual Slope Performance”.
28 February 2019
Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides – The Proceedings of the Second JTC-1 Workshop
The organisers of the Second JTC-1 Workshop on Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides have placed the proceedings of the meeting online
16 March 2018
Forthcoming workshop:- Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides
The second JTC-1 workshop will be held from 3rd to 5th December 2018 in Hong Kong. The topic will be: Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides
24 May 2013
A round-up of recent landslide incidents, including two American children tragically killed by a mudslide whilst collecting fossils
News of landslides from the USA, Canada and Hong Kong, and about the role of landslides in the Day of Judgement
3 April 2012
Powerpoint file of my talk to the Hong Kong Royal Geographical Society tonight
Tonight I am giving a talk to the Hong Kong RGS. This is the powerpoint file – you should be able to download it from authorstream
26 March 2012
Update on my talk on “The Hazards of Geography: Earthquakes, Floods and Landslides” in Hong Kong on 3rd April
Details about my forthcoming talk to the Hong Kong Royal Geographical Society on 3rd April 2012
22 March 2012
A public lecture in Hong Kong
I will be giving a public lecture entitled “The Hazards of Geography: Earthquakes, Floods and Landslides” on 3rd April
17 August 2011
Hong Kong Slope Safety – two videos reconstructing the 1972 and 1976 landslides
Two videos from the Hong Kong GEO reconstructing the 1972 and 1976 landslides.
19 October 2010
Typhoon Megi and the Philippines
In the last 24 hours Typhoon Megi has tracked from east to west across northern Luzon in the Philippines (map from here): At the time of landfall this was a true super typhoon. Even in its current weakened state it is generating gusts of up to 195 kph. Inevitably, it has brought very heavy rainfall to the north of the Philippines, although to date there is no news of any …
24 January 2010
New, remarkable animation video of the Po Shan Road landslide in Hong Kong
Thanks to David Kwok of the Geotechnical Engineering Office in Hong Kong for highlighting this video to me, and for the image below. On 18th June 1972 Hong Kong suffered an extraordinary landslide at Po Shan Road, in the Mid-Levels area: The slide, which had a volume of about 40,000 cubic metres, induced the collapse of two large buildings, killing 67 people and injuring a further 20. The landslide understandably …
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