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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

12 February 2015

Looking for a post-doctoral position? Come and work with me at the University of East Anglia

I am currently advertising a three year post-doctoral position to work with me on a range of landslide projects at the University of East Anglia


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1 May 2013

We are recruiting a post-doctoral researcher to work on earthquake-induced landslides

We are currently recruiting a post-doctoral researcher to join us to work on earthquake-induced landslides in China, Nepal and Kazakhstan


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13 March 2013

LARAM School 2013 – the best possible training on landslide risk assessment and mitigation

Details of the 2013 LARAM ”LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation” course in Salerno, Italy


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8 July 2011

A great fellowship opportunity for junior researchers (and later for senior research fellows too)

Here at Durham we have just announced a Research Fellowship scheme for both junior and senior researchers, funded under the Marie Curie scheme.  These fellowships can be associated with any of the University Research Institutes, including the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience of which I am the director.  These are the two schemes: Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs) The JRF scheme is aimed at researchers with post-doctoral experience, but recent …


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