5 February 2014

Calling for Science Valentines: Combine Your Passions!

Posted by Olivia Ambrogio

By Olivia V. Ambrogio

Molten love. Valentine by Olivia V. Ambrogio.

Molten love. Valentine by Olivia V. Ambrogio.

Valentine’s Day is coming: a time of love, chocolate, romance, and bitter brooding (rank these according to your own preferences). It’s also a time for valentines, which are a great way to share what you love with whom you love.

That’s why we’re asking you for your science-themed valentine submissions. These can be valentines with a science bent, valentines to scientists, or valentines to your field of science or research subject (or favorite piece of lab equipment—no judgment). We encourage you to include a non-copyrighted image of your valentine or to accompany your valentine.

So: please send your valentines to [email protected] by Wed., Feb 12. Include your name and permission to use your photo/image. The nitty-gritty on visuals: If you are not the person who created the image, you must provide us with the creator’s permission to post the image. Also, if it is a photograph and someone other than you is featured, we need permission from the person featured in the photo in order to post it.

And if you need some inspiration, here are a few examples:

First, a Pinterest page full of science valentines. And then:


Valentine by Derek Sollosi. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Valentine by Derek Sollosi. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Valentine by Erik Hankin.

Valentine by Erik Hankin.


Valentine by Pranoti Asher and Olivia V. Ambrogio. Image adapted from photo by Bjoertvedt.

Valentine by Pranoti Asher and Olivia V. Ambrogio. Image adapted from photo by Bjoertvedt.


Valentine by Erik Hankin.

Valentine by Erik Hankin.

I hope these get your creative juices flowing, and I look forward to your contributions!

– Olivia Ambrogio is an AGU Strategic Communications Specialist and coordinator of AGU’s Expert Outreach Network