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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

4 January 2019

The ten most important landslide events of 2018

2018 will be remembered as a year of extraordinary landslides. This is my list of the ten most important landslide events of 2018


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16 July 2015

Pluto has mountains, so does it have landslides too?

The astonishing NASA New Horizon images of the surface of Pluto show that it has young mountains 3500 m tall. Does this mean that it has landslides too?


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28 May 2015

The 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Naples, June 2016

The 12th International Symposium on Landslides will be held in Naples, Italy in June 2016


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19 December 2014

My latest paper: Patterns of movement at the Ventnor landslide on the Isle of Wight

In my latest paper, just published in the journal Landslides, my co-authors and I examine monitoring data for the Ventnor landslide in southern England


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31 May 2012

Updated: A movie of the annual cycle of rainfall-induced landslides in Asia

I have created a short animation, now on Youtube, to show the annuallandslide cycle in Asia. It is quite experimental, but interesting?


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7 October 2008

Hull Geographical Association talk

On 7th August I gave a talk to the Geographical Association in Hull. The box below is the Powerpoint file. It can be downloaded by clicking on the link marke “Dr_Dave” below the file. If you cannot see it here then you can download it here. The talk is loosely based on my presentations in New Zealand, but it has been updated somewhat.http://www.authorstream.com/player.swf?p=Dr_Dave-93386-hull-08-10-ga-talk-comp-science-technology-ppt-powerpointUploaded on authorSTREAM by Dr_Dave


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