You are browsing the archive for jargon Archives - The Plainspoken Scientist.
9 November 2020
Share your #SciCommHomonym
Jargon—it’s everywhere, from your favorite sport to politics to your profession. This fact is especially true in the sciences where scientific jargon is often seen as a barrier to effectively communicating with non-science audiences.
17 October 2016
Watch your words: Geoscience jargon
A hand list of science-y words, and ways to avoid them.
26 October 2010
Dude, you are speaking Romulan
This story by Christopher Reddy was previously published in Eos. During the height of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, I joined a group of engineers and other scientists to discuss the evidence for an oil plume, at least 22 miles long and about a mile wide, floating 3000 feet beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. As the chemist in the group, I wondered aloud about how we …