
You are browsing the archive for jargon Archives - The Plainspoken Scientist.

9 November 2020

Share your #SciCommHomonym

Jargon—it’s everywhere, from your favorite sport to politics to your profession. This fact is especially true in the sciences where scientific jargon is often seen as a barrier to effectively communicating with non-science audiences.


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17 October 2016

Watch your words: Geoscience jargon

A hand list of science-y words, and ways to avoid them.


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26 October 2010

Dude, you are speaking Romulan

This story by Christopher Reddy was previously published in Eos. During the height of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, I joined a group of engineers and other scientists to discuss the evidence for an oil plume, at least 22 miles long and about a mile wide, floating 3000 feet beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. As the chemist in the group, I wondered aloud about how we …


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