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6 December 2017
By Shane M Hanlon No need to bury the lead. We are very excited to announce that AGU now officially has its own podcast! Third Pod from the Sun is the American Geophysical Union’s podcast about the scientists and methods behind the science. These are stories that you won’t read in a manuscript or hear in a lecture. Our goal was to create a podcast that tells the human and personal …
24 April 2017
What now? Now we go to work.
By Shane M Hanlon I’m a scientist who teaches scientists how to talk to non-scientists. I recognized the need for this type of instruction years ago when I was still a graduate student. Even when I first got my position in the Sharing Science program here at AGU, scientists were increasingly aware of the need to be able to effectively communicate their science to broad audiences but many were still …
21 February 2017
Science communication needs you
We need scientists to meet with legislators, speak at public events, and foster relationships with journalists. Will that be you?
22 December 2016
Passing along gratitude
Your research can have an impact in someone’s life…even if you’re not a great tipper.
21 December 2016
The hard ideas (science) of big fast waves (tsunamis) explained simply
One last cartoon from Miles Traer: “Inspired by the up-goer five comic from XKCD where I try to explain tsunami science using only the 1,000 most commonly used words in the English language and the AGU Fall Meeting 2016 session NH51D: Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science.”
Cartoon: If Shakespeare had written about light pollution
If Shakespeare had written on the “Death of Darkness” and anthropocene light pollution.