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5 November 2012
Jot some field notes, get printed in The New York Times
Oceanographer Jim Thomson was surprised when The New York Times accepted his pitch to blog for the newspaper from a research cruise. Next thing he knew, his writing showed up as a full-blown article in the October 16 Science Times (circulation about 1 million). I have just returned from a month at sea conducting research on wave breaking. During the project, I wrote entries in the New York Times “Scientist at Work” blog ( …
30 September 2010
Why I Blog: Erik Klemetti (Eruptions)
Guest post by Erik Klemetti, assistant professor of Geosciences at Denison University. I started blogging out of frustration with the lack of knowledgeable commentary on volcanic eruptions on the Internet in early 2008. It all came to a head when a mystery volcano in southern Chile erupted (this turned out to be the eruption of Chaitén). I searched in vain for some place that was collecting the unfolding information on …
19 July 2010
Why I Blog: Ed Adams (Geology Happens)
Guest Post by Ed Adams, geology educator Several years ago, I started teaching summer field classes for teachers in need of additional science credits for their endorsements. To facilitate the exchange of information and to provide a repository of data links for my students, I created a series of web pages. This enabled my students, some of whom I only saw for a week, to access the data we used …
23 June 2010
Why I Blog: Brian Romans (Clastic Detritus)
Guest post by Brian Romans, a research geologist in the energy industry I started my blog Clastic Detritus while working on a Ph.D. in sedimentary geology at Stanford University in 2006. I launched it because I enjoy writing and sharing things I think are interesting, especially within the geosciences. In the beginning, the blog format seemed like the online equivalent of putting magazine articles on a bulletin board outside your …
15 June 2010
Why I Blog: Jessica Ball (Magma Cum Laude)
Guest post by Jessica Ball, a PhD candidate in the Department of Geology of SUNY University at Buffalo. I love writing. I also love geology – volcanoes, especially. But writing research papers is an activity for a limited audience, and there’s only so long my friends and family will listen to me ramble on about volcanology. So what’s a girl to do? Start a blog, naturally! My first experience with …
4 June 2010
Why I Blog: Callan Bentley (Mountain Beltway)
This guest post by Callan Bentley, an assistant professor of geology at Northern Virginia Community College, is the first of a series that will explore why Earth and space scientists blog. Here’s a blogging success story: In April, a student in my structural geology course asked me by email how bedding/cleavage relationships can help discriminate whether beds are overturned. Like many structural questions, it was best answered with a diagram, …
Why I Blog: Callan Bentley (Mountain Beltway)
This guest post by Callan Bentley, an assistant professor of geology at Northern Virginia Community College, is the first of a series that will explore why Earth and space scientists blog. Here’s a blogging success story: In April, a student in my structural geology course asked me by email how bedding/cleavage relationships can help discriminate whether beds are overturned. Like many structural questions, it was best answered with a diagram, …