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24 August 2021

#AntarcticLog: Science Education

Unlike many people in the sciences, I didn’t have much formal education myself. Much of what I’ve learned, I’ve learned on my feet, by wandering around behind scientists, watching and asking questions. All the more reason that the moment I first walked into the science classroom at my middle school looms large in my mind. 


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6 August 2021

#AntarcticLog: Warm in Any Weather 

T-shirt weather in the northern hemisphere makes me think about measures taken to endure the extreme environments at the poles. When it comes to staying warm in high winds and low temperatures, #AntarcticLog has it covered. 


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4 August 2021

#AGURocks: Soon May the Kennicott Thin

We arrived in the small town of McCarthy, Alaska in early June 2021 to quantify the retreat of the Kennicott Glacier just up the valley. As part of a project under direction of Dr. Regine Hock, formerly at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and now at the University of Oslo, we measured glacial melt and installed weather stations on debris-covered ice, bare ice, and high up in the mountains.


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30 July 2021

#AntarcticLog: So Chill

It’s frying hot in these parts, getting to be the Dog Days of Summer. So I thought I’d fill you in on the story behind some of the coolest science — and people — I know, while also filling you in on the sometimes serendipitous way that #AntarcticLog comics come together. 


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23 July 2021

#AntarcticLog: Talking climate change science & policy

Palmer Station sits right at the ocean’s edge, at the foot of the Marr Ice Piedmont — the foothills of the glacier. In just decades, the ice has receded at least a quarter of a mile, revealing hidden islands. At the same time, conditions have led penguins and other resident fauna and flora to alter their migrations and nesting patterns. It didn’t take me long to realize that everything at Palmer has to do with climate change.  The Antarctic Peninsula is warming at a rate five times that of the rest of the world — and demonstrates the future if climate change cannot be stemmed through human action.  


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16 July 2021

#AntarcticLog: Feeling Dumb and Doodling – My Superpowers  

Every #AntarcticLog starts with a doodle: an image that comes to me while I’m reading or listening to or otherwise learning something; an image that leads to a story I’m about to tell in comic form. 


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9 July 2021

#AntarcticLog: Midwinter Celebrations

This June things seem special, and fragile. Might as well say hooray about what I can  say hooray about.  Here are a few celebratory #AntarcticLog to mark this June. 


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6 July 2021

#AntarcticLog: The Value of Light

Summer light: isn’t it glorious? Here in the Connecticut woods, in the northern hemisphere, we’re experiencing the longest days of the year, with dusks speckled by bats and sparkled by fireflies. In Antarctica, the dark days reign.  It’s clear enough why: the sun’s angle relative to your spot on Earth makes the light wax and wane around the winter and summer solstice.


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25 June 2021

#AntarcticLog: Happy Antarctic Midwinter!


That’s what we think of when we envision Antarctica. But it hasn’t always been this cold. 

 Despite its distance from the equator, it was still connected to the world ocean. 


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18 June 2021

#AntarcticLog: Stopping to Smell the Roses

I adopted a dog a year ago (just celebrated her “Gotcha Day”) and so I’ve been outside walking her every day since then, rain or shine, snow or heat wave. I’ve watched her change every day — and I’ve watched the woods where we live change every day, and I’m here to tell you, every day offers different gifts. 


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