You are browsing the archive for koneil, Author at The Plainspoken Scientist.
16 September 2010
Earth scientist heads for stint as radio reporter
About to take on a new identity as a radio reporter in Colorado, soil ecologist Marissa Weiss will keep TPS readers posted on what it’s like to jump suddenly (albeit temporarily) from science to journalism. Marissa is AGU’s 2010 Mass Media Fellow. Here’s her introductory post: After spending six years in a soil ecology lab, I am about to trade a microcentrifuge for a microphone. About two weeks ago, I …
29 July 2010
Recognizing science 'ignorance' as value differences
If people don’t agree with a scientist’s conclusions, is it because they don’t understand the science? Or is it that their beliefs and values make them want to reject the scientist’s conclusions? Journalist and author Chris Mooney presented those questions in Washington D.C. in late June while discussing the findings of an American Academy of Arts and Sciences inquiry into how scientists could better communicate with the public. Beginning in …
19 July 2010
Why I Blog: Ed Adams (Geology Happens)
Guest Post by Ed Adams, geology educator Several years ago, I started teaching summer field classes for teachers in need of additional science credits for their endorsements. To facilitate the exchange of information and to provide a repository of data links for my students, I created a series of web pages. This enabled my students, some of whom I only saw for a week, to access the data we used …