
This is an archive of AGU's GeoSpace blog through 1 July 2020. New content about AGU research can be found on Eos and the AGU newsroom.

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22 October 2015

Studying Tamu Massif

We’re pleased to introduce a series of guest blog posts by Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Research team on their research vessel Falkor. Join us as we catch up with them and follow along on their expedition.

The Falkor is currently on a 36-day research trip. Her destination is Tamu Massif, a massive underwater volcano, located approximately 1500 kilometers (or 932 miles) east of Japan in the Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau. During their journey, researchers will focus on collecting bathymetric and magnetic data that could help clarify how Tamu Massif, possibly the world’s largest single volcano, was formed.


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