
This is an archive of AGU's GeoSpace blog through 1 July 2020. New content about AGU research can be found on Eos and the AGU newsroom.

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13 September 2018

New study: Most fires in Florida go undetected

A new study from Florida State University researchers indicates that common satellite imaging technologies have vastly underestimated the number of fires in Florida. Their report, published in collaboration with researchers from the Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy, challenges well-established beliefs about the nature and frequency of fire in the Sunshine State. While there were more fires than expected, researchers said, strategically prescribed burns throughout the state are proving an effective force against the ravages of wildfire.


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20 November 2015

Sunday: Day of rest for fires, study suggests

Fires are more prevalent on a Tuesday and less likely on a Sunday, according to a new study, which highlights the dramatic effect humans, religion and culture have on the global climate.


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11 December 2013

Mythical microbes at the deep Earth interface

In ancient Greek portrayals of Hades, the underworld is a shadowy, unforgiving subterranean expanse, whose five rivers include Phlegethon, a river of fire. At Yanartas in modern-day Turkey, that mythological river of fire flows up into the living world. Methane gas from Earth’s mantle seeps to the surface, fueling flames in the side of Mount Chimera, once believed to be the home of a fire-breathing monster. While scientists are unlikely …


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