You are browsing the archive for coral reef Archives - GeoSpace.
18 May 2020
How climate killed corals
New study shows multiple factors joined forces to devastate the Great Barrier Reef in 2016.
31 January 2019
Climate change could make corals go it alone
Climate change is bad news for coral reefs around the world, with high ocean temperatures causing widespread bleaching events that weaken and kill corals. However, new research finds corals with a solitary streak – preferring to live alone instead of in reef communities – could fare better than their group-dwelling relatives.
4 September 2018
Polluted groundwater likely contaminated South Pacific Ocean coral reefs for decades
Groundwater containing excess nitrogen from agricultural fertilizers likely contaminated coral reefs on the Cook Islands during the second half of the 20th century, continuing for years after fertilizer use stopped, according to a new study. The finding suggests human activities have long-lasting impacts on coral reef communities and could be contributing to their decline.