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3 April 2014

The Melt Begins- Arctic Sea Ice Max Was 5th Lowest on Record

The March Sea Ice Record is downward at 2.6% /decade. The melt season is now extending by 5 days per decade. Most of the ice is very young ice so the melt will likely be rapid, depending on weather conditions.  


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19 March 2014

What We Know About Our Climate- AAAS publishes a must read summary.

I’m glad this report tackles the myth (in America) that scientists are divided over the reality of our changing climate, and it’s cause. It’s totally and utterly false. Don’t believe me?? Go look at the journals like NATURE, SCIENCE, any AMS journal etc. If someone tells you that what’s in this report is wrong, you should ask them why they have not published the evidence why in a scientific journal. That’s …


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12 November 2013

Was Haiyan Caused By Climate Change? We Might Know In 30 Years.

There are claims going around that Typhoon Haiyan was a result of climate change, and this is nothing short of ridiculous.  There is some evidence that climate change will change the numbers (and intensity) of tropical cyclones, and some that the storms that do form will be stronger and wetter. That said, there is still a lot of uncertainty in those predictions. An excellent paper on this subject is from …


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28 September 2013

Some Background Reading To Better Understand The 5th IPCC Report

This is a re-post from: The Yale Forum here points to several of its postings written to improve understanding of the wealth of climate data that will begin to emerge later this week from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report.   With the initial release of the first volume of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report scheduled for 10 a.m. EDT on Friday, September 27, The Yale Forum points to several of …


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22 September 2013

The Real Uncertainties In Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will release its 5th assessment report next Friday in Sweden. It’s the work of over 200 scientists, who have put together a summary of the peer-reviewed science published over the last several years, and it will almost certainly be bad news. You’re almost certain to hear some very ridiculous things in the coming days by those who fear the consequences of reducing our …


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3 August 2013

Unhappy Times In The Flat Earth Society

For anyone who cares about science and science education, it can seem very frustrating to realize how widespread certain myths are. Large numbers of Americans think that science is divided about the whether climate change is even occurring, and even more about whether humans are causing it. It’s easy to understand why people are confused; just google “Climate Change” and you will get a slew of unscientific tripe mixed in with …


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20 July 2013

Wearing A Tinfoil Hat Is Getting Expensive- DC Court Says Michael Mann May Proceed in Defamation Suit Against CEI and National Review

Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Probably, and the one above has become one of the most famous science images, since the crew of Apollo 8 took a snap of the Earth rising over the lunar horizon. It was made by Dr. Michael Mann at Penn State University, and he had no idea the grief it would cause him. His book is a must read, and he details …


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10 July 2013

Baltimore Weathercaster Under Fire For Incorrect Statements on Climate Change

Two weeks ago I attended a climate change short course at the 41st American Meteorological Society conference on broadcast meteorology in Nashville. Top experts in the field like Dr. Tony Broccolli, Dr. Ben Santer (National Academies of Science) and Keith Dixon of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab spent the entire day with on air meteorologists updating them on the latest in the field. The AMS Committee on Station Science (I’m …


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9 June 2013

Two Views of An Increasingly Wild and Changing Climate

My friend Su Ostro at the Weather Channel, and Dr. Jennifer Francis at Rutgers joined author/journalist Chris Mooney at a Climate Desk Live/WWF event last week. The talk is well worth a watch. I’ve mentioned Dr. Francis and her research frequently here, and here is a chance to see whay her research is getting so much attention among forecasters. Stu is a fellow forecaster, and has a perspective like mine that is rooted in …


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4 June 2013

Crazy Weather- Science Looks at Why

This is a re-post from the Yale Forum on Climate Change and the media. The Committee for Station Science at the AMS (I’m the current chair) invited Dr. Francis to address the American Meteorological Society Conference on Broadcast Meteorology later this month, to talk more about her research. I’m looking very forward to hearing the latest on her research. Peter Sinclair’s new Yale Forum video couples interviews with two experts — Rutgers’ Jennifer Francis and Weather Underground’s Jeff …


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