
You are browsing the archive for Oceans Archives - Page 5 of 5 - Dan's Wild Wild Science Journal.

10 September 2009

Extreme Ice Survey- The Pictures Tell The Story

I have linked to some of the excellent TED talks before in this space. This one is perhaps the best I have seen. There is an old saying that perception is reality. That seems to be the problem in regard to climate science. Many people think that scientists are still arguing over it. They are not. Getting that message out is one reason I started writing these ramblings about the …


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11 July 2009

To Quote Randy Quaid in Indep. Day- I'm Back! El Nino Returns

El Nino has returned. The NOAA scientists, who monitor the tropical Pacific, sent out the notice this week. Temperatures in what is called the NINO 3.4 region of the Equatorial tropical Pacific, have increased to the point that we can say an El Nino has begun. (The threshold is an anomaly of .5 C) The official definition is a bit more technical and you can find it on this more …


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13 May 2009

Sorry Charlie- They're going to hunt you to EXTINCTION.

I have written little here about the Oceans. I only had one graduate level course in Oceanography, and since I work in Meteorology, it is not a science I keep up with on a day to day basis. However, I have been following this story, and it’s as sad and telling of modern society as they come. Do you remember the Starkist Tuna commercials back in the 1960’s and 70’s? …


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8 March 2009

The Real Tasmanian Devil

I have yet to write about Ocean Acidification in this journal. It’s kind of the “forgotten Great Uncle” of Climate Change. Well, it used to be. It’s getting a lot more attention, from the mainstream media, (I use that term loosely, and I am a part of it!) and Scientists themselves. A major new study published today, will likely get some major news coverage. So, what is ocean acidification?? Ocean acidification is the change of the ocean …


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